Friday, April 13, 2012

Will I ever be done?

Probably not.

The reason is simple. 
I am a vintage junkie and with most things vintage they need to be repaired, embellished, or painted. Hence more projects. 

Yesterday I helped with Kyan's kindergarten field trip. One of his friends asked him what I did and he reply She buys lots of old stuff and makes it young and beautiful again. How cute is that? 

Anyway, I always like to have more than a few projects to work on so when I need a break from the piece I'm working on at the time I have something else to do. 

Right now in my garage I have
  • a bunk beds that I have been meaning to finish since we moved to Texas in December. 
  • My Kitchen cabinet doors that I decided had to be painted before I could really feel at home and call it My kitchen.
  • A little old school chair that my kindergartner had to have when he went on a shopping trip with my and my bff
  • A bench that I got for my birthday present in march. Well its going to be a bench right now its more of a platform. 
So 4, that's not too bad except I actually have more projects in the house that I am working on too. 

This is a table I found at It's About Time here in Abilene (One of my favorite stores). It has a nice shape and detail but the problem is the veneer was chipping off. I painted it with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in French Linen. Then I waxed it with dark wax. I love this color and this paint!I taped off the top where the veneer was the worst. I decopodged diamond shaped book paper and sealed it. Sorry the painters tape is still on it in this last picture.

Oh Well I'm not truly happy unless I have paint under my fingernails and something fun and creative to do. So, It looks like I'll be happy for a while. Is there a support group for Vintage Project junkies. If there was I bet those girls would be fun to shop with. I think I'll start one. Who wants to join?
Thanks for reading